What is an Administrator role within eBrief Ready?

This article explains:

  • Which subscription option provides an administrator role

  • What is the scope of the administrator role

  • How to become an administrator for your organisation

  • Overview on Administrator Functions

Law Firm and Law Firm Plus Subscription

Law Firm and Law Firm Plus Subscription provide the option to have nominated user/s as the Administrator for the account.  If the Administrator does not engage in any handling of matters, this user role subscription is not charged.

Administrator Role Scope

The Administrator can 

  • Add, activate or deactivate users
  • Transfer matters from one user to another
  • Edit user permissions
  • Delete matters
  • Generate user and matter reports
  • Define general firm level settings

More information on managing users via the administration module can be viewed in this video: 

Becoming an Administrator for your Organisation

To get set up as an administrator for your organisation, contact Support on support@legalready.ai

Overview on Administrator Functions

As an administrator, you have access to various tools that help manage users, permissions, matters, and settings within your organization. This article will guide you through the steps of managing user accounts, transferring matters, and configuring organization-wide settings.

Accessing Organization Admin:

  1. Navigate to the Welcome Menu:
    • Click on the Welcome dropdown in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  2. Go to Organization Admin:
    • From the dropdown menu, click on "Organization Admin". This will open the admin interface where you can manage users, permissions, and settings.

Managing Users:

  1. View the User List:
    • In the Organization Admin section, you will see a list of all users within your organization.
  2. Edit or Deactivate a User:
    • To make changes to a user, locate the user you want to edit and look to the right-hand side of their name.
    • You can choose to edit the user's details or deactivate them by clicking the corresponding options.
  3. Edit User Details:
    • When editing a user, you can update the following:
      • Email
      • Name
      • Access Level
      • Role
  4. View User Matters:
    • To see the matters associated with a particular user, click on the briefcase icon next to their name.
    • This will display a list of active matters that the user is associated with.

Managing User Permissions:

  1. Edit Permissions:
    • For any user matter, you can edit permissions by clicking on the options to the right of each matter.
    • Choose the level of access you want to grant the user for each matter.
  2. Change User Email:
    • You can also edit the user's email or change the user directly from this page.

Transferring Matters Between Users:

  1. Transfer Matters:
    • To transfer matters from one user to another, or in cases of changing an email address, click on the user/email that needs to be deactivated.
    • Click the bin symbol next to the user to access the "Transfer Permissions" option.
  2. Select New User or Email:
    • From the dropdown menu, choose the new user or email to whom you want to transfer the matters.
    • After selecting the correct user/email, click "Transfer Permissions".
  3. Transfer Completion:
    • All active matters will be transferred to the selected user, maintaining the permissions set for each matter.