What does a best practice electronic brief look like?

It is our vision that PDF briefs are created to a consistent, industry-wide format. Our recommended format includes:

  • Consistent index with hyperlinks to navigate the documents
  • Bookmarks also provided for navigation
  • Pagination should always commence at page one
  • The index should have a consistent naming convention (document number, document date, document name, page number range)
  • Each document should have a unique page number
  • All documents should be searchable within the PDF brief

Even when PDF briefs are created for courts, our vision is that all parties are still given access to the documents on the platform along with the PDF brief, making it easier for all parties to navigate, search, annotate and reference documents.

At the end of the matter, documents relating to the matter can be archived within the platform or externally. Barristers can keep all information relating to the matter together – using the platform as a library of cases.

Watch our short tutorial video to see how we ensure your output is the best in the business.