How to enable document and court book dual page numbering?

This article explains how you can have both the document and court book numbering on the same page.

In court, there may be a need to review a document with a witness - for instance, an Affidavit or Expert Report - and, at the same time, direct the Judge to the correct page of the Brief/Court Book. This feature allows to see both the document and the Brief/Court Book page numbering at the same time.

As shown on the screenshot below:

  1. Open any document and select the 'Paginate Using Brief/Court Book' option.

  2. Select the Brief/Court Book you want the pagination to align with.

  3. You will now see two page numbers. The document page number and the Brief/Court Book page number.

  4. Any other documents that you open contained in the Brief/Court Book will now also show this dual page numbering.

  5. This setting is local to you. Unless other members of your matter also turn on this option, they will just see the standard pagination.

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